Головна > Invasive prenatal diagnosis of the fetus
Prenatal studies are conducted due to the high incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in fetal development, which rank 2nd in the structure of fetal death and infant mortality. Invasive prenatal diagnostics are necessary if non-invasive methods are positive and the woman is at risk.
Invasive intervention is more time-consuming and can cause serious postoperative consequences. However, since its informational content is higher, BMI is indispensable in assessing the risk of hereditary diseases and fetal chromosomal abnormalities.
During the initial visit to theIVMEDMedical Center, a combined ultrasound and biochemical screening is performed with a computerized calculation of the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. If there is a high risk of fetal genetic abnormalities, the patient is recommended to undergo an invasive test.
The use of non-invasive screening tests allows for the appointment of IMD in the first trimester of gestation, which reduces the risk of postoperative complications and is less traumatic for the mother and fetus.
Indications and contraindications for diagnostics
The risk group requiring mandatory invasive testing includes female patients:
Contraindications to the IPA are:
The risk of miscarriage as a result of IUI is only 2-4%. The longer the gestation period, the lower the risk of miscarriage. At the Rodinnyi Dzherelo Medical Center, this risk is minimal, as it depends on the doctor’s professionalism, the clinic’s technical equipment, the chosen examination method, and the patient’s condition.
IPA is performed only with the patient’s consent. Often, patients miss the opportunity for early diagnosis of fetal anomalies due to lack of awareness and exaggeration of the possibility of developing postoperative complications.
Specialists of theIVMEDMedical Center consult the patient, explain the need for the study and the existing risks. This allows a woman to make an informed decision and increases the possibility of a favorable pregnancy outcome for both the fetus and the mother.
Prenatal invasive methods of examination differ depending on the gestational age. In the first trimester, a biopsy of the chorionic villi, the fleecy membrane around the implanted egg, is performed. The test is performed at 11-12 weeks of gestation and allows detecting fetal chromosome abnormalities and gene abnormalities at an early stage.
Amniocentesis is also performed – sampling of amniotic fluid for analysis. The diagnostic procedure is performed both in the first trimester (17-22 weeks) and in the second trimester at 34 weeks. The technique allows determining the degree of maturity and sex of the fetus, heart pathologies and hemolytic diseases, and abnormalities in the development of the fetal nervous system.
The disadvantage of the method is the long (2-3 weeks) waiting time for the results, since it takes time to increase the number (multiplication in a special medium) of the fetal cells obtained.
In the second trimester of gestation, in addition to amniocentesis, it is prescribed:
Amnioscopy is a visual examination of the lower part of the ovum using an endoscopic system of the smallest diameter. The test is performed starting from the 17th week of pregnancy and according to indications for childbirth.
Placentocentesis is a method of taking placental cells for research. This method is much like a chorionic villus biopsy and is performed at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. The disadvantage of the method is that, if necessary, the termination of pregnancy is carried out at a later stage, which is more traumatic for the woman.
Cordocentesis is a blood sampling from the umbilical cord vein. The test helps to detect blood diseases in the fetus, the presence of an infectious agent, or determine a Rh conflict. The test is scheduled from the 18th week of gestation. The method allows performing a wide range of blood tests, as well as therapeutic procedures (fetal blood transfusion, administration of medications) in utero. Relative contraindications to the examination are low- or high-fetal weight, and poor fetal position.
Fetoscopy is a visual examination of the fetus, which is performed using the optical system of the endoscope, which allows to detect anatomical malformations. With the help of microsurgical instruments inserted through the surgical channel of the endoscope, a sample of the fetal skin or muscle can be taken. The method is used at 18-24 weeks of pregnancy.
The material obtained as a result of the IMD is sent for research.
The obtained material is subjected to the following research methods:
Even the safest invasive research methods can lead to negative consequences in the form of:
AtIVMED, these risks are minimal, as the intervention is carried out:
The most dangerous procedure is cordocentesis. During this procedure, the risk of miscarriage is 3.3%. However, thanks to the high professionalism of the Rodinne Dzherelo Medical Center staff, these figures can be reduced to a minimum, as timely treatment and non-invasive screening tests allow for less traumatic methods in the early stages of pregnancy.
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