Diagnosis of infertility
Reproductive health assessment
At the IVMED Reproductive Clinic, the health of each partner is considered as a whole, since successful conception, pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child depend on the reproductive health of both. Infertility diagnostics and a comprehensive examination are important steps in identifying possible causes of conception difficulties.
It is recommended to visit a reproductive specialist if a couple is unable to conceive a child after a year of regular sexual intercourse without contraception. In addition, a visit to a specialist should be planned in the presence of pelvic inflammatory diseases, sexually transmitted infections, genetic abnormalities, as well as for couples over 35 years of age or those who have been diagnosed with infertility in one or both partners.
Package diagnostic services at IVMED
"Responsible parenthood"
Comprehensive infertility diagnostics for a couple with reproductive plans.
The package of medical services includes separate examinations of a woman and a man, a joint consultation with a specialist, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a reproductive specialist, and a second consultation upon request, in accordance with the results of the tests.
It will provide an opportunity to get an initial diagnosis of the state of the reproductive system of a man and a woman and assess the reproductive potential of a couple.
Найменування пакету послуг | Ціна, грн. |
«Відповідальне батьківство» | 7 900 |
Дослідження для майбутньої матусі: | |
Первинна консультація акушера-гінеколога репродуктолога | |
УЗД органів малого тазу | |
УЗД молочних залоз | |
УЗД щитовидної залози | |
Антимюллерів гормон (AMГ) (Сироватка ВК) | |
Пролактин (Cироватка ВК) | |
Тиреотропний гормон (ТТГ). Високочутлива, біотин-незалежна методика (Сироватка ВК)(ДІЛА,48) | |
Загальний розгорнутий аналіз крові (31 показник: автоматичний геманалізатор) (цільна ВК/ ЗАК без формули) | |
Коагулограма на автоматичному аналізаторі (Плазма ВК) | |
Мікроскопія урогенітального мазку (ж) 3 точки (Зішкребок із уретри, цервіксу, вагіни) | |
Пап-тест традиційний (цитологічне дослідження шийки матки) (Зішкребок із цервіксу і зони трансформації) | |
Група крові + резус фактор (виявлення методом аглютинації в гелі) (Цільна кров/ЕДТА (ІмГем) | |
Сифіліс, Treponema pallidum, антитіла загальні – скринінг (Сироватка ВК) | |
ВІЛ 1/1о/2, серологічна діагностика з підтвердженням (антиген та антитіла) (Сироватка ВК ВІЛ) | |
Гепатит В, антитіла IgM до HBсorАg (Сироватка ВК) | |
Гепатит В, HBsAg (Сироватка ВК) | |
Гепатит С, Anti-HCV антитіла до вірусу – скринінг (Сироватка ВК) | |
Забір біологічного матеріалу | |
Дослідження для майбутнього татуся: | |
Група крові + резус фактор (виявлення методом аглютинації в гелі) (Цільна кров/ЕДТА (ІмГем) | |
Сифіліс, Treponema pallidum, антитіла загальні – скринінг (Сироватка ВК) | |
ВІЛ 1/1о/2, серологічна діагностика з підтвердженням (антиген та антитіла) (Сироватка ВК ВІЛ) | |
Гепатит В, антитіла IgM до HBсorАg (Сироватка ВК) | |
Гепатит В, HBsAg (Сироватка ВК) | |
Гепатит С, Anti-HCV антитіла до вірусу – скринінг (Сироватка ВК) | |
Спермограма | |
Забір біологічного матеріалу | |
Повторна консультація фахівця на запит, у відповідності до результатів досліджень |
"Fertility is the first treatment"
A comprehensive examination for a woman who wants to assess the state of the reproductive system and learn about her own reproductive potential.
Найменування послуги | Ціна, грн. |
«Фертильність – перше звернення» | 2 500 |
Первинна консультація акушера-гінеколога репродуктолога | |
УЗД органів малого тазу | |
Антимюлерів гормон (АМГ), | |
Пролактин (ПРЛ) | |
Тиреотропний гормон (ТТГ). Високочутлива, біотин-незалежна методика (Сироватка ВК)(ДІЛА,48) | |
Забір біологічного матеріалу |
"Male reproductive health"
A comprehensive examination for a man who wants to assess the state of the reproductive system and learn about his own reproductive potential.
Найменування послуги | Ціна, грн. |
«Репродуктивне здоров’я чоловіка» | 6 700 |
Спермограма | |
MAR – тест | |
Фрагментація ДНК сперматозоїдів | |
Аналіз сперми, FISH-метод | |
Консультація уролога первина | |
Консультація уролога повторна |
Effective diagnosis of infertility is the key to successful treatment and an opportunity to prevent future health problems.
Do not hesitate, sign up for a consultation now
Why choose IVMED?
Diagnostic tests, the choice of treatment, medications, programs - everything is adapted to your individual indicators and circumstances.
Comprehensive diagnostics of infertility
Comprehensive diagnostics of infertility (infertility tests) performed in our clinic includes:
- sonohysterosalpingoscopy;
- scanning electron microscopy of the endometrium;
- hysteroscopy;
- examination of the hormonal background and immune state of the body;
- semen analysis;
- tests for the presence of STIs.
For couples suffering from infertility, there is also a special in vitro fertilization program that guarantees a solution to the problem of inability to have a child even in the most difficult cases.
Having difficulty conceiving a child is a common problem that forces you to make a lot of effort to bring a baby into the world. Timely diagnosis of infertility will allow you to start eliminating its causes at the initial stage, increasing the chances of a couple’s successful recovery and the birth of a long-awaited heir.
The relevance of infertility diagnostics is confirmed by disappointing facts: every fifth Ukrainian family has problems with conceiving and giving birth to a child. At the same time, global statistics show that the percentage of infertile couples averages about 12%. Modern methods of diagnosis and therapy of infertility allow you to correctly identify the cause and successfully cope with most problems.
When is infertility suspected?
The definition of the critical period of 1 year is related to statistics that claim that after refusing to use contraception, half of the observed couples were able to conceive a child within the first three months. Six months is required for pregnancy in 75% of cases, and in the absence of detected pathologies, nine out of ten couples fertilize within the first year after refusing contraception. In the remaining couples, conception does not occur during the next two-year period, which indicates the need to visit a clinic for an infertility examination.
The effectiveness of the diagnosis is largely due to the need for infertility testing for both women and men. Only through joint efforts can a couple successfully go through the process of restoring reproductive function and give birth to a healthy baby.
Types of infertility
Failures in the body that prevent conception can be observed in one of the partners, and therefore distinguish between male and female infertility. If the symptoms of fertility disorders are observed in both spouses, infertility is called combined infertility.
Infertility can be primary, when a woman has never managed to get pregnant, or secondary, when pregnancies have occurred and had different outcomes – safe deliveries, miscarriages, abortions, surgeries, etc.
Causes of infertility development
Regardless of the type of infertility, the following health problems can cause the disease:
- inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
- STIs (sexually transmitted infections);
- Reversible surgical sterilization allowed in the past;
- Surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity;
- the presence of various chronic diseases;
- previous chemotherapy or radiation.
Other factors affecting fertility
The source of the problem can be a general situation or a very specific one, characteristic of only men or only women due to differences in biology. Negative factors include excessive consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and smoking. In this case, there are no differences, both sexes suffer from the harmful effects. Other factors contributing to the development of the disease include excess or lack of body weight, taking drugs that suppress reproductive abilities (the most negative effect is on drugs prescribed for cardiovascular diseases). The harmful effects of radioactive elements, radiation, and toxic substances to which a man is forced to be exposed in connection with the performance of his professional duties can affect spermatogenesis.
Sometimes it is enough to change the environment, lifestyle, and solve general health problems to restore the ability to conceive. However, in some cases, medical assistance is indispensable. An examination for infertility will allow you to identify the exact cause and choose the most effective methods to eliminate it.
Features of treatment
Patients who seek treatment immediately after a year of failure to conceive naturally have the best chance of restoring reproductive function. After lifestyle adjustments and elimination of the root source of the problem, the probability of fertilization increases in the second year: in almost half of the cases, the issue is resolved positively.