Why choose IVMED?
Treatment success rate
High efficiency of IVF programs at IVMED clinic.
The success rate of IVF programs is 68% of pregnancies in patients in programs with donor eggs.
The key to successful treatment is responsibility.
The average number of embryos per transfer in “IVMED” is 1.2, which guarantees the absence of multiple pregnancies and, accordingly, the absence of pathologies and ease of pregnancy.
Complete safety means 100% absence of hyperstimulation.
Absolute absence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in patients and, accordingly, minimal likelihood of complications.
Specialist experience
The team of specialists includes reproductive specialists, embryologists, obstetricians and gynecologists, geneticists, urologists, andrologists, endocrinologists, and immunologists.
The leading specialists have been in clinical practice for over 20 years. We have helped more than 10,000 couples become parents. We have experience in solving the most difficult cases of infertility.
We have developed our own proprietary solutions and implemented innovative procedures that allow us to achieve stunning results.
Individual approach
Diagnostic tests, the choice of treatment, the use of medications used in the process of stimulation and preparation for embryo transfer, the optimal puncture technique and its timing, embryo cultivation and transfer to the uterine cavity – all this is adapted according to your individual data.
The patient is the most important thing for us. We know how difficult the path to motherhood and fatherhood is for our patients, how strong and deep their emotions are. Therefore, at our fertility clinic, the relationship between patient and doctor is built on mutual trust, support, and respect.
Advanced embryology laboratory
All assisted reproductive technologies that exist in the world are used in the clinic’s embryology laboratory.
It was designed and built in accordance with the recommendations of the European and American Associations for Reproductive Medicine.
The laboratory is equipped with an ASTEC CCM-iBIS embryoscope, which allows for continuous video surveillance of the embryo development process from the moment of fertilization to transfer to the uterine cavity.
Modern genetic laboratory
Our genetic laboratory allows us to conduct cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies from a single gene to the full genome.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of 24 embryo chromosomes by NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) with an accuracy of 99.99%.
Research of the genetic status of parents and fetus, gene mutations, diagnosis of hereditary diseases.
Safety and triple protection of patient biomaterial
All manipulations with reproductive cells in embryology are carried out under double control, which means that each manipulation is checked by two different specialists.
The IVF ID WITNESS SYSTEM, the first electronic system in Ukraine to protect patients’ data and biological material, is in operation at theIVMEDclinic. It involves the use of special electronic chips that identify each sample of biological material – eggs, sperm, embryos.
The IVF ID WITNESS SYSTEM provides exceptional security and control.
Own database of egg donors
The clinic has about 300 egg donors.
Our egg donors are young women aged 21-30 with good somatic health, no negative phenotypic manifestations, and no bad habits (drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, smoking). Each donor has a healthy child/children.
The clinic has created and is operating a bank of vitrified donor oocytes.
Legality and complete confidentiality
Ukraine is one of the few countries where oocyte donation and surrogacy are legally allowed.
Ukrainian law allows any woman, with or without a male partner, to undergo artificial insemination.
The clinic operates within the legal framework, in compliance with all applicable laws.
When applying the procedure for donating oocytes, sperm and embryos, we guarantee the anonymity of the donor and the preservation of medical confidentiality.
Quality of services and processes
The clinic has implemented a multi-stage quality control system that covers diagnostics, treatment, surgery, and embryology.
The clinic has been registered with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) .
The clinic has implemented and operates a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001.
The philosophy of the clinic is reproductive perfection
We offer our patients systemic solutions that increase the effectiveness of treatment.
In our clinic, a patient can evaluate the possibilities of the proposed treatment, its effectiveness, and determine the financial costs before starting treatment.
We provide support from the first contact with us to reduce anxiety, anxiety and stress to help patients achieve their goal of becoming parents.
Sign up for a consultation
Leave your contact information and our consultant will call you back and select the most convenient time, date, and doctor for a visit or online consultation.
Media about IVMED:
Some Ukrainian soldiers are trying to ensure that even if they die in the war, their partners can still build families. They also want to send Russia a message of defiance.
For many Ukrainians, the idea of saving soldiers' sperm is at once personal and patriotic. It helps men who want to ensure something of themselves remains if they die, and it brings comfort to their partners. In a country now famous for its spirit of resistance, it is also one more way of fighting back
A doctor conducts the procedure of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) at the laboratory of the IVMED fertility clinic in Kyiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023. Some Ukrainian soldiers are turning to the process of freezing sperm as they face the possibility that they might never go home.
«Загалом у бочках зберігалося приблизно 18 тис. ембріонів – потенційних дітей, – наголосила Галина Стрелко.
Щоб перевести д’юари, які залишилися у клініці, медики знайшли більшу машину та водія. Бочки завантажили і спочатку вивезли до Львова, а вже звідти – у Братиславу.
За словами власниці медустанови, у Словаччині у них була колаборація з однією клінікою, і вони погодилися прийняти ембріони на зберігання.
– Ми єдина клініка, яка вивезла увесь свій кріобанк за кордон. На щастя, усі матеріали довезли цілими, – додала вона».
Fertility clinics in Kyiv are offering free services to those serving on the frontline to freeze their semen through cryopreservation, a service that initially began when the war in Eastern Ukraine broke out in 2014.
IVMED, a private fertility clinic in Kyiv, has so far registered approximately 150 cases of military personnel alone.
Приватний медичний бізнес України, запозичуючи іноземний досвід США та Ізраїлю, з метою збереження фертильного здоров'я (здатності у майбутньому стати батьками) сімейних пар військовослужбовців України, запроваджує проект, згідно з яким, сім'ї військовослужбовців України зможуть безкоштовно скористатися процедурою кріоконсервації (заморозки) своїх репродуктивних клітин (сперми, яйцеклітин).