Cryopreservation of eggs

Egg cryopreservation is a modern medical procedure that allows you to postpone future motherhood, despite the decline in reproductive functions or the predicted loss of fertility. The procedure enables women of any age to experience the joy of motherhood.

The method is based on deep freezing of eggs in liquid nitrogen. The resulting biological material is subsequently thawed and used for the specified purposes. All biological processes stop in the cells that are in the process of freezing, so their life cycle stops for a certain period of time.

Only good quality eggs can be cryopreserved. It is these eggs that are able to withstand the procedure of freezing and subsequent thawing.



  • The need to preserve viable female germ cells in patients diagnosed with cancer (chemotherapy and radiation therapy negatively affect reproductive function);
  • A history of endometriosis and ovarian dysfunction;
  • The desire to postpone the birth of a child for a certain period of time;
  • The desire to get pregnant by fertilizing an egg with a donor's sperm (for example, when a woman visits a clinic without a partner).


Advantages of egg cryopreservation

  • The ability to freeze reproductive cells at a young age and give birth to a child in adulthood. Thus, your own thawed eggs will not lose their quality.
  • Cost savings and safety - there is no need for repeated hormonal stimulation of ovulation to obtain eggs.



Preparation and/or course of the procedure

  1. Examination of a woman by specialists (obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist, passing the necessary instrumental and laboratory tests, therapist).
  2. Hormonal stimulation of ovulation to achieve the maximum possible number of mature follicles with eggs.
  3. Follicle puncture and egg collection in the operating room using general sedation.
  4. Freezing of female germ cells using the vitrification method. This method avoids damage to the eggs during freezing.
  5. Placing the vitrified eggs on special devices - cryotopes - and placing them in Duhar vessels for long-term storage.

Features and interesting facts

The procedure significantly increases the chances of becoming parents for those patients who, for some reason, cannot conceive a child naturally. In addition, the procedure can also be performed for social reasons, since in the modern world, many women prefer to build a career and postpone pregnancy to a later age.

Fertility in the female body significantly decreases over the years, so cryopreservation of eggs during the childbearing period (from 18 to 28 years) subsequently significantly reduces the risk of miscarriages and allows you to bear a child at any age.

Numbers are important:

  • A healthy woman produces 400,000 eggs in a lifetime;
  • 1 in 1000 eggs reaches maturity during reproductive age and is subsequently fertilized;
  • -196°C is the freezing temperature of eggs;
  • 80% of eggs survive thawing.
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Clinical practice of leading specialists for over 20 years. We have helped more than 10,000 couples become parents. We have experience in solving the most difficult cases of infertility.
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Legality and complete confidentiality
The clinic operates in compliance with all applicable laws. We guarantee anonymity and medical confidentiality.
Modern genetic laboratory
Cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies from a single gene to the whole genome. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of 24 embryo chromosomes by NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) with an accuracy of 99.99%.
Advanced embryology laboratory
All assisted reproductive technologies that exist in the world are used in the clinic's embryology laboratory.
Individual programs for everyone

Diagnostic tests, the choice of treatment, medications, programs - everything is adapted to your individual indicators and circumstances.

Certificates and security

The clinic has been registered with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The clinic is certified according to the international quality management standard ISO 9001: 2015.

IVF-ID. Ukraine's first electronic system for protecting patient data and biological material.

Doctors of the IVMED clinic

Galina Strelko
medical director, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Work experience: more than 25 years
Veranika Valeriivna Ulanova
Head of the medical and diagnostic department, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category
Work experience: more than 21 years
Karolina Parpaley

obstetrician-gynecologist of the first category

Work experience: more than 16 years
Liliia Makarenko

obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Work experience: more than 14 years
Olga Pranova

obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Work experience: more than 26 years
Yulia Buldygina
Endocrinologist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Work experience: more than 32 years
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