Головна > Infiltrative cervical cancer
Infiltrative (or squamous) cervical cancer is a malignant formation that forms in the cells of the cervical multilayer epithelium.
This disease can be asymptomatic, but if it becomes severe, it is accompanied by symptoms:
There are no unambiguous causes of the appearance and development of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, but modern oncologists identify several groups of factors that cause irreversible changes in squamous epithelial cells:
1. Depending on the histological nature of the cervical epithelial cells:
2. Depending on the degree of differentiation:
Stages of infiltrative cervical cancer
T - primary tumor
T is - pre-invasive stage cancer.
T 1 - cancer localized in the cervix.
T 1a - preclinically invasive cervical cancer with the possibility of histological diagnosis only
T 1b - clinically invasive cancer.
T 2 - malignant processes spread beyond the cervix with infiltration into the vagina, but do not reach the pelvic wall.
T 2a - tumor cells spread to the vaginal area or uterine body.
T 2b - the cancer infiltrates the medial sections of the parametrial tissue with or without involvement of the uterus, vagina.
T3 - cancer reaches the lower third of the vagina, infiltrates the parametrial tissue to the pelvic wall.
T 3a - cancer cells spread to the lower third of the vagina without damage to the parametric tissue.
T 3b - cancer infiltrates the pelvic wall with or without spread to the vagina.
T4 - cancer that spreads beyond the pelvis and invades the mucous membrane of the rectum or bladder.
N - regional lymph nodes
During the surgical treatment of cervical cancer, the affected lymph nodes are removed for further histological analysis and assessment of the body's metastases.
N 0 - no signs of lymph node involvement by metastases.
N 1 - X-ray analysis of the pelvic lymph nodes indicates the presence of metastases
N 2 - palpation reveals inflamed dense lymph nodes under the pelvic walls.
M - metastases outside the pelvic organs
M 0 - no signs of distant metastases.
M 1 - there are distant metastases outside the pelvic area.
Depending on the type of cervical pathology detected, the following types of therapy are used:
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