Micro TESE

Micro-Tese is a method of treating male infertility that can help you become a father

Unique medical technology for the treatment of male infertility - Micro-Tese
Effective even in azoospermia (absence of sperm in the ejaculate)
Effective in case of sperm DNA fragmentation

96.6% effectiveness in the IVMED clinic


Показання до проведення:

  • If the long-awaited pregnancy in your family does not occur for more than 6 months;
  • If you have any abnormalities in your spermogram;
  • If you have already undergone treatment but it was ineffective.


  • high-tech technique for extracting sperm from the testicle
  • is performed on an outpatient basis under intravenous anesthesia
  • microsurgery with minimal risk of surgical injuries
  • is carried out using special operating microscopic equipment
  • intraoperative examination of the obtained testicular tissue until spermatozoa are found
  • allows you to get healthy sperm for in vitro fertilization
  • minimal risk of fibrosis or postoperative obstruction
  • Possibilities of cryopreservation of obtained spermatozoa or testicular tissue

Preparation and/or course of the procedure

The basis for the effectiveness of Micro-TESE at IVMED is the joint procedure performed by a urologist and an embryologist

  • The combination of medical knowledge, qualifications and experience of urologists, andrologists and embryologists who perform the procedure in the clinic
  • The technical equipment with intraoperative microscopy allows the urologist to select the testicular seminiferous tubules of the largest diameter, which contain more sperm, and minimizes damage to the testicular tissue.
  • Technical equipment of andrology, which allows the andrologist-embryologist to perform intraoperative cytological analysis of each seminiferous tubule (testicular tissue) and search for spermatozoa with subsequent histological examination
  • Immediate evaluation of the material obtained by the embryologist during the procedure and, in the absence of sperm, continuation of the procedure by the urologist until sperm are found
  • Technical equipment of embryology, which allows us to carry out all the world's existing assisted reproduction procedures in the clinic, the use of special media for working with sperm
  • The clinic's own cryobank, created using clean room technology, which allows storing cryopreserved material for an unlimited period of time with a guarantee of its safety

Features and interesting facts

  • 10 years ofexperience in surgical sperm retrieval procedures;
  • 5 seconds from the moment the urologist receives the material until the embryologist starts working with it;
  • 80x magnification during the initial examination of the resulting material;
  • 400-fold increase in ICSI sperm selection;
  • 196 degrees below zero is the storage temperature for cryopreservation of the material.
All procedures

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Why choose IVMED?

A team of experienced professionals
Clinical practice of leading specialists for over 20 years. We have helped more than 10,000 couples become parents. We have experience in solving the most difficult cases of infertility.
Individual programs for everyone
Diagnostic tests, the choice of treatment, medications, programs - everything is adapted to your individual indicators and circumstances.
Legality and complete confidentiality
The clinic operates in compliance with all applicable laws. We guarantee anonymity and medical confidentiality.
Modern genetic laboratory
Cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies from a single gene to the whole genome. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of 24 embryo chromosomes by NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) with an accuracy of 99.99%.
Advanced embryology laboratory
All assisted reproductive technologies that exist in the world are used in the clinic's embryology laboratory.
Individual programs for everyone

Diagnostic tests, the choice of treatment, medications, programs - everything is adapted to your individual indicators and circumstances.

Certificates and security

The clinic has been registered with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The clinic is certified according to the international quality management standard ISO 9001: 2015.

IVF-ID. Ukraine's first electronic system for protecting patient data and biological material.

Doctors of the IVMED clinic

Galina Strelko
medical director, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Work experience: more than 25 years
Veranika Valeriivna Ulanova
Head of the medical and diagnostic department, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category
Work experience: more than 21 years
Karolina Parpaley

obstetrician-gynecologist of the first category

Work experience: more than 16 years
Liliia Makarenko

obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Work experience: more than 14 years
Olga Pranova

obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Work experience: more than 26 years
Yulia Buldygina
Endocrinologist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Work experience: more than 32 years
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