Cervical biopsy

Cervical biopsy is an important diagnostic procedure. It is carried out by surgical intervention and minimally traumatic fencing of a piece of tissue from the lower segment of the uterus for examination using an optical device.

It is necessary if a gynecologist detects any abnormal changes in the cervical area during a visual examination or smear test that indicate precancerous conditions or oncology. It can be performed in case of detection of the papillomavirus, which provokes tumor-like formations.

The importance of a biopsy is that it provides information about the cells of the cervix and allows you to examine the symptoms of diseases at early stages. Biopsies help to make a diagnosis, predict the development of the disease and prescribe the right treatment.


Indications for cervical biopsy

  • Suspicion of a malignant tumor and precancerous diseases of the cervix.
  • The need to diagnose an abnormal process.
  • Unsatisfactory results of cytology smears.
  • Negative result of extended colposcopy.
  • Changes in epithelial cells for unknown reasons.
  • Lesions and precancer of the cervical canal.

A biopsy is prohibited if a woman has inflammatory diseases of the genitals or other organs. The patient developed problems with blood clotting, such as thrombocytopenia. Another reason to postpone a biopsy is infectious diseases of the genital tract.


  • It will allow you to identify suspicious cervical changes at an early stage.
  • The procedure is completely painless with spinal or intravenous anesthesia.
  • Possibility of quick and bloodless tissue sampling (it all depends on the method of the procedure).
  • The manipulation is performed on an outpatient basis, after which you are allowed to leave the clinic.
  • Short recovery period after sample collection.
  • It does not have a dramatic effect on hormonal levels.

Preparation and/or course of the procedure

The main stages:

  1. Irrigation of the area with lidocaine or injection. Anesthesia is required in case of a circular biopsy.
  2. Insertion of the dilator into the vagina, cervical grasping and lowering.
  3. Treatment with special solutions. There may be a burning sensation if there is no anesthesia.
  4. Removal of pathological tissue with forceps, a scalpel or other instrument or apparatus.
  5. Applying separate sutures (if necessary).

How difficult is a biopsy to tolerate?

The procedure is practically painless. If a woman cannot cope with fear and has a low pain threshold, the doctor performs anesthesia.

Features and interesting facts

A biopsy is prescribed after a detailed examination in the mirrors on the chair and colposcopy. The doctor will use a colposcope in case of suspicious moments. Then tests are performed, smears are taken.

It is performed on the 7th day after the first day of menstruation.

The day before the biopsy, it is forbidden to douche, use vaginal suppositories, creams or tampons.

The clinic performs the procedure on the cervical tissue using advanced methods of taking biomaterial for research and confirmation of the diagnosis.

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Doctors of the IVMED clinic

Galina Strelko
medical director, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Work experience: more than 25 years
Veranika Valeriivna Ulanova
Head of the medical and diagnostic department, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category
Work experience: more than 21 years
Karolina Parpaley

obstetrician-gynecologist of the first category

Work experience: more than 16 years
Liliia Makarenko

obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Work experience: more than 14 years
Olga Pranova

obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Work experience: more than 26 years
Yulia Buldygina
Endocrinologist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Work experience: more than 32 years
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