Infertility treatment: causes, symptoms and modern methods

Treatment of infertility

Infertility is the failure to become pregnant after one year of regular sexual activity without the use of contraception. This condition can be caused by both problems in a man and problems in a woman, or in both partners at the same time.

Every fifth couple in the world faces difficulties in conceiving a child. To solve this problem, modern medicine offers a wide range of treatments that are actively used in specialized clinics such as IVMED.

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Infertility is classified according to several factors:

Infertility treatment is a set of medical measures aimed at restoring the reproductive function of a man or woman and covers a wide range of modern methods and technologies aimed at restoring reproductive function and supporting couples in achieving long-awaited parenthood. These methods include reproductive health diagnostics, drug therapy, surgical interventions, and innovative assisted reproductive technologies.

Among the latter, the most common are artificial insemination (AI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF), which provide high chances of successful conception even in difficult cases. At theIVMEDclinic, patients receive not only a professional examination to identify the causes of infertility, but also a comprehensive individual approach to choosing the optimal method of therapy.

Each stage of treatment is accompanied by comprehensive support from qualified doctors and staff, which allows us to solve reproductive health problems as efficiently as possible and bring patients closer to fulfilling their dream of becoming parents.

Embryo donation
Effective help in the absence of pregnancy on your own cells
IVF with donor sperm
The probability of successful fertilization with donor sperm reaches 70%.
Intrauterine insemination with donor sperm
A few visits are enough to become a mother

IVF programs

IVF program "Natural cycle"
For women with reduced ovarian reserve
IVF program "Classic"
For women with preserved or high ovarian reserve
IVF program "Individual"
IVF in a stimulated cycle with medication to induce superovulation
IVF program "Two-component"
Double the chances of getting pregnant
The ART program "Preservation of eggs"
For women who have reproductive plans and cannot currently carry a pregnancy
IVF program "Future Motherhood"
The program is for couples who have reproductive plans and are currently unable to carry a pregnancy


Cryopreservation of sperm
Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue
Cryopreservation of eggs
Assessment of sperm morphology
Assessment of ovarian reserve

Forms of female infertility

  • Tubal-peritoneal infertility is a violation of the patency of the tubes or adhesions in the pelvis;
  • Anovulatory (endocrine) infertility is the absence of ovulation due to hormonal or metabolic disorders;
  • Uterine infertility – inflammatory processes, neoplasms or anatomical defects of the uterus;
  • Cervical infertility – problems with the composition of cervical mucus or stenosis;
  • Autoimmune infertility – the body produces antibodies that attack sperm;
  • Psychological infertility – prolonged stress or depression affect conception.

Causes of infertility in women

Infertility in women is a complex medical condition that can occur as a result of reproductive system disorders, hormonal imbalances, or other medical and physiological problems. In most cases, it develops gradually, often without obvious symptoms in the initial stages.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects the functioning of the ovaries and is one of the most common causes of infertility. The main symptoms are irregular menstrual cycles, acne, excessive facial and body hair growth, and difficulty conceiving. Treatment of infertility in women with PCOS usually includes drug therapy to normalize hormonal balance and stimulate ovulation.


Endometriosis is a disease in which endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus, causing inflammation and adhesions. This can lead to pain, heavy menstruation, and fertility disorders. The optimal treatment for endometriosis includes a combination of drug therapy, surgery, and the use of assisted reproductive technologies.

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal imbalances often cause ovulation disorders, making conception impossible. Among the most common problems are thyroid dysfunction, hyperprolactinemia, or polycystic disease. Symptoms of infertility in women in this case may include irregular cycles, weight changes, and fatigue. Treatment involves correction of hormonal levels and stimulation of ovulation.

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes

Impaired patency of the fallopian tubes prevents the egg from meeting the sperm, making conception impossible. Infertility can be caused by inflammatory diseases, adhesions, or abnormalities in the development of the tubes. Treatment may include surgery or the use of assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Problems with ovulation

Ovulation is a key process in conception, and any disruption in it is a serious factor in infertility. In this case, the causes of female infertility include stress, hormonal imbalances, and chronic diseases. Treatment of infertility in women with such problems may include stimulation of ovulation with medications or hormone therapy.

Benign tumors

Fibroids or fibroids are benign growths in the uterus that can affect reproductive function. They can cause deformation of the uterus, reducing the possibility of embryo implantation. Treatment usually involves surgical removal of the tumors or other invasive methods.


With age, a woman’s reproductive function declines. Especially after the age of 35, the number and quality of eggs decreases, making conception more difficult. This is a natural cause that often requires the use of assisted reproductive technologies, such as IVF.

Bad habits

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and unhealthy diet can negatively affect fertility. These factors worsen the condition of eggs and hormonal balance, which increases the risk of infertility. Quitting bad habits is an important component in restoring reproductive function.

Causes of male infertility

Male infertility can be caused by both medical and physiological factors, as well as lifestyle or environmental influences. To establish a diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is required to determine the cause and develop an effective treatment plan.

The main causes of male infertility:

  1. Diseases of the reproductive system – inflammatory processes, varicocele, infections that affect the quality of sperm.
  2. Endocrine disorders – an imbalance of hormones that affects spermatogenesis.
  3. Immune factors are the formation of antibodies that attack sperm.
  4. Genetic disorders are hereditary diseases that reduce the quality or quantity of sperm.
  5. Obstruction of the vas deferens – mechanical obstacles to the transportation of sperm.
  6. Erectile dysfunction is a disorder that makes sexual intercourse or ejaculation impossible.

Symptoms and signs of infertility in women

Infertility in women is often not accompanied by obvious symptoms, which makes it difficult to diagnose in the early stages. However, there are a number of signs that may indicate possible problems with the reproductive system. The detection of such symptoms is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo appropriate examinations.

Possible signs of infertility in women include:

  1. Menstrual irregularities, such as changes in the duration of the cycle, painful, too heavy or too light menstruation, as well as their complete absence (amenorrhea).
  2. Excessive male pattern hair growth in the upper lip, chin, abdomen, or back.
  3. The appearance of acne, seborrhea, or excessive oiliness of the skin can be associated with hormonal imbalances.
  4. Sudden weight gain or loss may indicate a disruption in the production of estrogen or androgen hormones.
  5. Pain in the lower abdomen is a constant or periodic painful sensation in the pelvic area or during menstruation.
  6. Obesity or emaciation.
  7. Insufficient development of the mammary glands.

Diagnosis of infertility

Diagnosis and treatment of infertility is an important step in identifying the causes of reproductive disorders in women and men. A comprehensive examination helps to identify specific factors that interfere with conception and helps the doctor choose the optimal treatment.

Recommended examinations for women:

  • gynecological examination to assess the condition of the reproductive organs;
  • Pelvic ultrasound to detect pathologies of the ovaries, uterus or fallopian tubes;
  • Hormone tests – examination of the level of estrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH, prolactin, AMH and thyroid hormones (TSH, free T4, T3);
  • hysterosalpingography (HSG) – checking the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy – to detect adhesions, endometriosis or other pelvic pathologies;
  • analysis for STDs that can affect reproductive function;
  • Ovulation assessment – a test for progesterone levels in the second phase of the cycle or folliculometry;
  • vaginal swab for microflora;
  • PAP test.

Recommended examinations for men:

  • spermogram to assess the number, motility, and shape of spermatozoa;
  • tests for sex hormones (testosterone, FSH, LH and prolactin);
  • Ultrasonography of the scrotum;
  • Analysis for infections;
  • Sperm DNA fragmentation tests;
  • Dopplerography of scrotal vessels.

Methods of infertility treatment

The choice of infertility treatment method takes place only after determining its cause and taking into account the individual characteristics of patients. The main methods used today to restore reproductive function.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment is used when infertility is caused by structural problems, such as adhesions, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or fallopian tube obstruction. Surgical interventions, such as laparoscopy or hysteroscopy, can restore tubal patency, remove pathological growths, or correct abnormalities in the development of the reproductive organs.

Drug therapy

This method includes the prescription of hormonal drugs to correct ovulation disorders in women or stimulate spermatogenesis in men. Drug therapy is also used to treat inflammatory processes, regulate the menstrual cycle, or eliminate hormonal imbalances. It is often the first step in the treatment of infertility, especially in case of endocrine disorders.

Methods of assisted reproductive technologies (ART)

ART is used when traditional methods of treatment fail. The most common methods:

  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI): the procedure involves the introduction of specially prepared sperm directly into the uterine cavity during ovulation, which increases the chances of fertilization.
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF): fertilization of an egg in the laboratory with subsequent implantation of the embryo.
  • Methods of sperm retrieval (TESA, TESE, PESA): the process of obtaining sperm directly from the tissues of the testicle or its epididymis. They are used in cases where sperm production is reduced or completely absent, providing an opportunity for further fertilization.
  • The use of donor gametes: donor sperm, eggs or embryos are an alternative for couples who face genetic risks or do not have viable reproductive cells of their own.
  • Surrogacy: This approach is recommended for women who are medically unable to carry a pregnancy on their own. The reasons may include uterine pathologies, frequent miscarriages, serious health risks, or unsuccessful IVF attempts. In such cases, a surrogate mother carries a child using the eggs of a biological mother or donor.

Why choose IIVMED clinic?

IVMED Clinic is a modern reproductive medicine clinic that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, using advanced technologies and an individual approach to each patient. Our infertility treatment center is committed to helping you achieve your dream of parenthood.

Benefits of treatment with us

  • Individualized approach: each patient receives a personalized treatment plan developed based on their unique needs.
  • Modern technologies: we use the latest equipment and assisted reproductive technologies (ART), including IVF, IUI and embryo cryopreservation.
  • Experienced team: we employ highly qualified reproductive specialists, embryologists and gynecologists with many years of experience.
  • Maximum comfort: we provide support at every stage of treatment, maintaining an atmosphere of care and trust.

At the consultation, you will receive:

  • Comprehensive examination of the reproductive system.
  • Collecting a detailed medical history and discussing previous treatment attempts.
  • Individualized recommendations for diagnosis and possible treatment methods.

Our patients’ results

We are proud of the thousands of happy stories that began at the Ivmed clinic. Thanks to the professionalism of our team and modern treatment methods:

  • More than 80% of patients succeed in the IVF program.
  • We have helped many couples with the most difficult forms of infertility.
  • The results of our patients confirm that the right approach and modern technologies work real miracles.

Question and answer

What is the difference between primary and secondary infertility?

Primary infertility is the inability to conceive a child from the very beginning of sexual activity. Secondary infertility occurs after a successful pregnancy or childbirth in the past.

No, endometriosis does not always cause infertility, but it can significantly complicate conception due to adhesions or inflammation.

The main female reproductive hormones are estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, antimullerian hormone (AMH) and thyroid hormones.

Yes, in many cases, treatment methods such as drug therapy, surgery, or assisted reproductive technologies (e.g., ICSI) help.

Diagnosis of infertility in women includes a gynecological examination, ultrasound, hormone tests, checking the patency of the fallopian tubes (FTP) and testing for infections.

The main tests include a hormonal profile (FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, TSH), infection tests, and ovulation assessment.

The duration depends on the cause of infertility and the method of treatment. In general, it can last from several months (drug therapy) to a year or more (ART or IVF).

For example, women’s reproductive function declines after the age of 35, so treatment can be more difficult and time-consuming.

Natural methods can help in mild cases (lifestyle changes, stress control), but for serious causes, medical attention is required.

Yes, stress can negatively affect the ability to conceive. It can cause hormonal imbalances, impaired ovulation in women, and reduced sperm quality or quantity in men.

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