IVF for polycystic ovaries


Features and possibilities of IVF in polycystic ovaries

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common causes of infertility in women of reproductive age. It is an endocrine disorder that is accompanied by hormonal imbalance, irregular menstrual cycle, and lack of ovulation. In the case of infertility with PCOS, in vitro fertilization (IVF) becomes an effective method of achieving pregnancy. Is IVF possible in case of PCOS? How is IVF performed in case of polycystic ovaries? Read more about this and the features of the procedure, as well as the factors that affect its success.

Why does PCOS make conception difficult?

Polycystic ovary disease is characterized by impaired ovulation due to hormonal imbalance. In particular, high levels of androgens (hyperandrogenism) and insulin resistance create unfavorable conditions for follicle maturation. Such women may have a significant reserve of ovaries, but the eggs often do not reach the required maturity for natural conception.

Is IVF always necessary for PCOS?

For women diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary disease), IVF is not always the first method of treatment. Initially, it is usually necessary to stimulate ovulation with hormonal drugs or induce ovulation. If these methods are ineffective, as well as in the presence of other factors of infertility, doctors recommend IVF for polycystic ovaries.

Laparoscopy for polycystic ovaries can be another approach before the IVF procedure. This operation helps to reduce the volume of androgen-producing ovarian tissue and restore ovulatory function.

How does IVF work in case of polycystic ovaries?

IVF for polycystic ovary disease (PCOS) has certain features. The first stage is follicular stimulation. Due to the high reserve of ovaries, women with polycystic ovaries often have a good response to hormonal drugs. However, this also increases the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), which is accompanied by abdominal pain, swelling, and other complications.

To minimize the risks, doctors use low doses of hormones and constantly monitor the development of follicles. The resulting mature eggs are fertilized in the laboratory, after which the highest quality embryos are transferred to the uterine cavity.

The role of metformin in the treatment of PCOS

Metformin is a medication used to correct insulin resistance in PCOS. It lowers blood insulin levels, which helps to improve hormonal balance and increase ovarian responsiveness to stimulation. Metformin is often prescribed as an additional medication before IVF treatment to increase the likelihood of successful conception.

IVF success in PCOS

Statistics show that IVF for polycystic ovary disease has a high chance of success. According to the European Society for Reproductive Medicine, up to 60% of women with PCOS achieve pregnancy after the first IVF cycle. However, success depends on many factors, including a woman’s age, health status, and embryo quality.

Long-term prospects

Pregnancy after IVF for PCOS usually proceeds without complications if all risks have been taken into account. However, women should be prepared for intensive medical monitoring throughout pregnancy to avoid possible complications.

IVF for PCOS is an effective solution for many women facing infertility. Thanks to modern treatment methods, including follicular stimulation, ovulation induction, and the use of metformin, the chances of successful conception increase significantly. If you are planning to undergo IVF, contact the specialists at IVMED Reproductive Medicine Clinic, who will help you choose the optimal treatment protocol and take into account all the individual characteristics of your body.

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