Головна > Hormonal studies
Hormonal studies
These are specific tests that detect a particular hormone or group of hormones produced by one or more endocrine glands. Tests are usually prescribed as a matter of routine in case of suspected endocrine infertility, dysfunction, or the development of oncological diseases of the female reproductive system.
Conducting research
Hormones in the human body regulate metabolism, provide the necessary response to adverse external factors, and control the growth, development and aging of all organs. They are actively involved in the process of conception and gestation.
Hormones are highly active biological substances with different chemical structures. They are secreted in the human body by the endocrine glands. It is the coordinated work of the nervous system and hormones that ensures the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the human body.
Hormonal tests can detect problems with the thyroid gland, endocrine and hypothalamic-pituitary systems. The norm of certain hormones in the human body directly depends on the age, gender, presence of concomitant diseases and medication.
In women, hormonal levels are also affected by the phase of the menstrual cycle.
The biological material (blood) used in hormone testing is usually donated on an empty stomach in the morning.
One or two days before the test, you should avoid active physical activity, taking medications and drinking alcohol.
Hormonal tests before IVF
Hormones and the reproductive system
The processes that take place in the human body and are associated with conception and gestation are regulated by the female hormones LH and FSH. In the male body, these hormones affect the growth and permeability of the seminiferous tubules, promote the growth of testosterone in the blood, and are also involved in puberty and spermatogenesis. In case of problems with the reproductive system, both women and men are prescribed hormonal tests.
Preparation for IVF
In the process of preparing a couple for IVF, it is necessary to conduct tests to determine the level of such hormones in the body:
- LG;
- FSG;
- estradiol;
- prolactin;
- testosterone;
- progesterone;
- TSH;
- 17-OH-progesterone;
- T3 is general;
- T4 is free.
If necessary, a hemostasiogram is also performed.
Hormonal tests for women
Hormonal tests are prescribed for women ondays 2-4 of the menstrual cycle. A sufficient level of the hormone AMH in the female body is of great importance for the successful conception and gestation of a child. Tests that determine the level of this hormone give doctors the opportunity to assess the ovarian reserve (or egg reserve).
From 1.0 to 2.5 ng/ml are the average levels of AMH in pregnancy planning.
If the indicators are exceeded, patients have a significant ovarian reserve. Such women are prescribed drugs that stimulate follicular maturation with great caution, as there are risks of OHSS.
With low levels of this hormone, women are at risk of an insufficient response to medical ovulation stimulation.
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