Philosophy of the IVMED clinic

The philosophy ofIVMEDis reproductive excellence, based on three principles of our work:

Treatment success rate


We start infertility treatment with the simplest methods and then, if necessary, move on to more complex and high-tech ones.

We use methods of accurate diagnostics and effective treatment exclusively with measurable and real results.

We offer our patients additional system solutions that improve the effectiveness of infertility treatment.

All the world’s existing assisted reproductive technologies are used in “IVMED”.

Continuous improvement of medical knowledge, careful control of all processes and analysis of results, combined with the most modern diagnostic and treatment equipment of our laboratories, allow us to offer comprehensive services of the highest quality.

Responsible awareness


The patient ofIVMEDalways has the opportunity to evaluate the proposed treatment tactics and their effectiveness and come to an agreed decision with the doctor on what measures will be taken at each stage of his treatment.

The patient is the center of attention of the medical team, and we interact with them as a partner. We provide him with full information and knowledge about the treatment process and all the steps on the way to achieving the goal of knowing the joy of fatherhood.

The clinic provides open and accurate information about the cost of all services before the start of treatment, so that the patient can assess the financial scope of therapy and its cost-effectiveness. This eliminates any financial surprises.

We offer treatment that meets ethical and medical standards. This is the fundamental principle that makes us trusted by thousands of patients from all over the world.

Individual support


Diagnostic methods, treatment tactics, medication support during ovulation stimulation and preparation for embryo transfer, follicle puncture technique, embryo cultivation conditions, the moment of embryo transfer to the uterus and other treatment nuances are adapted individually for each couple.

For us, the patient comes first. And we know what a difficult path every couple has to go through to become parents. Therefore, we take care of the most comfortable conditions for each patient in our clinic. The relationship between the patient and the doctor of our clinic is built on mutual respect and trust.

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Media about IVMED:

The New York Times
Ukrainian soldiers are trying to ensure that even if they die in the war, their partners can still build families. They also want to send Russia a message of defiance.

Some Ukrainian soldiers are trying to ensure that even if they die in the war, their partners can still build families. They also want to send Russia a message of defiance.

For many Ukrainians, the idea of saving soldiers' sperm is at once personal and patriotic. It helps men who want to ensure something of themselves remains if they die, and it brings comfort to their partners. In a country now famous for its spirit of resistance, it is also one more way of fighting back

Статтю можна прочитати на сайті The New York Times >>

The Washington Times
Some Ukrainian soldiers freeze sperm amid war with Russia

A doctor conducts the procedure of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) at the laboratory of the IVMED fertility clinic in Kyiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023. Some Ukrainian soldiers are turning to the process of freezing sperm as they face the possibility that they might never go home.

Лікарі вивезли за кордон 18 тис. ембріонів зі своєї клініки: історія героїчної евакуації з Києва

«Загалом у бочках зберігалося приблизно 18 тис. ембріонів – потенційних дітей, – наголосила Галина Стрелко.

Щоб перевести д’юари, які залишилися у клініці, медики знайшли більшу машину та водія. Бочки завантажили і спочатку вивезли до Львова, а вже звідти – у Братиславу.
За словами власниці медустанови, у Словаччині у них була колаборація з однією клінікою, і вони погодилися прийняти ембріони на зберігання.

Ми єдина клініка, яка вивезла увесь свій кріобанк за кордон. На щастя, усі матеріали довезли цілими, – додала вона».

Soldiers in Ukraine are freezing sperm to have families in case they don't return home from the war

Fertility clinics in Kyiv are offering free services to those serving on the frontline to freeze their semen through cryopreservation, a service that initially began when the war in Eastern Ukraine broke out in 2014.
IVMED, a private fertility clinic in Kyiv, has so far registered approximately 150 cases of military personnel alone.

Interfax Україна
Клініка репродуктивної медицини «Айвімед» та медична лабораторія «Діла» стали ініціаторами проекту безкоштовної кріоконсервації генетичного матеріалу для родин військових в Україні

Приватний медичний бізнес України, запозичуючи іноземний досвід США та Ізраїлю, з метою збереження фертильного здоров'я (здатності у майбутньому стати батьками) сімейних пар військовослужбовців України, запроваджує проект, згідно з яким, сім'ї військовослужбовців України зможуть безкоштовно скористатися процедурою кріоконсервації (заморозки) своїх репродуктивних клітин (сперми, яйцеклітин).

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