Головна > IVF with donor sperm
IVF with donor sperm
Assisted reproductive technology, in which an egg is obtained for artificial insemination with biomaterial from a healthy man who is not in a relationship with a woman.
What happens after fertilization: embryologists place the resulting embryo in an incubator, where they monitor its development for 2-5 days. After that, the blastocyst is transferred to the uterus. It is attached to the wall for further development.
The probability of successful fertilization with donor sperm reaches 70%.
Indications for the procedure
Different forms of female and male infertility;
Low probability of conception in the traditional way;
Lack of a partner for conception;
High risk of genetic abnormalities;
Infectious, venereal diseases in a man;
Partner's azoospermia - no sperm in the ejaculate.
For IVF with biomaterial from a third party, the husband's consent is required.
Donor selection and sperm quality control
- To donate ejaculate, a donor should undergo the following examinations:
- Determination of the Rh factor and blood type of a man.
- Blood test for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis.
- Testing for infections: herpes, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmosis.
- Medical genetic examination is a one-time procedure.
- Examination by a therapist and urologist - annually.
- When choosing a donor sperm, a woman receives information about the donor's health and appearance. She is provided with information about her husband's activities and education. An autobiographical story of the donor (in writing), his or her hobbies, etc. helps to better understand the personality of the person.
- In addition, there are a number of requirements:
- Age over 18 and no more than 40 years - established by legal acts;
- Psychological and physical health;
- Correct facial features, body structure.
Benefits of IVF with donor sperm
- The use of genetic material from exclusively healthy men, which is important in the event of incompatibility with a partner or his poor health.
- The procedure does not require anesthesia and is performed quickly - the transfer is carried out in a couple of minutes.
- The most genetically potential blastocyst is implanted into the uterus.
- High probability of pregnancy with a viable fetus.
- The opportunity to become parents of a healthy child for people with infertility and genetic and venereal diseases in the husband.
ContactIVMEDtoday to become a mom as soon as possible!
Stages of IVF with donor sperm
at IVMED clinic
Selecting a donor whose sperm will be used for fertilization.
Cultivation of the obtained embryos in incubators and preimplantation genetic diagnostics of embryos.
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