Головна > Immunological studies
Immunological studies
To confirm the presence of an immunological factor in infertility, theIVMEDclinic conducts a set of tests that is prescribed to both partners. This complex includes analyzes:
- to determine the couple’s tissue compatibility (HLA class II typing);
- detection of antibodies to phospholipid complexes;
- on the immune status.
In addition, genetic diagnostics can determine the causes of infertility, identify chromosomal and hereditary diseases in parents that can be transmitted to the child.
During IVF, it helps to identify embryo pathologies before implantation in order to select the most promising embryo for transfer to the uterus and, thereby, increase the chances of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.
Indications for use
Immunological studies in reproductive medicine can be performed for the following purposes:
- confirmation / refutation of suspected autoimmune disease;
- determination of the cause of miscarriage, immunological form of infertility;
- detection of allergic reactions and identification of allergens;
- search for parasitic diseases and infectious diseases;
- finding out the possible reasons for unsuccessful IVF attempts in the presence of good quality embryos.
If we talk about immunological infertility, then most often a woman’s body begins to produce anti-sperm antibodies in case of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive system, allergies, if the partner’s sperm contains an excessive number of leukocytes or the patient has developed endometriosis.
Both partners:
Types of immunological tests
HLA-typing of class II partners
All cells in the human body carry specific proteins on their surface that determine tissue compatibility (HLA). During fertilization, the embryo receives half of these proteins from the father, half from the mother, and is half “foreign” to the mother’s immune system.
To prevent the destruction of these foreign cells, the mother’s body produces “blocking” antibodies. If the tissue compatibility proteins of the spouses are very similar, then the production of blocking antibodies does not occur or its frequency decreases, the woman’s immune system perceives the embryo not as a foreign cell, but as an altered one, and triggers the mechanism of its destruction. A pregnancy is terminated.
Phospholipid antibody test
Cell membranes are composed of phospholipids. If the body develops antibodies to them, then:
- membranes are damaged and the cell dies;
- the level of blood clotting increases and the blood supply to the fetus is impaired.
High activity of antibodies to phospholipids in women leads to repeated miscarriages.
Analysis for NK cells and CD19
Natural killer cells (NK cells) and B cells of the immune system (CD 19) protect the human body against invading infectious agents and altered cells of the body. However, their high activity leads to damage to the structure of the placenta and disruption of the endocrine system, which produces “pregnancy hormones”.
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