Головна > Surrogacy program at IVMED
Surrogacy program at IVMED
- A surrogacy program is an in vitro fertilization program in which an embryo is transferred to a surrogate mother who has no genetic relationship with the embryo.
- It is possible to use either donor eggs or donor sperm, provided that one of the biological parents is genetically related to the unborn child.
- Surrogacy programs in Ukraine are available thanks to legislation that protects the rights of patients and guarantees the establishment of parental rights to a child born to a surrogate mother.
Components of the surrogacy program
Coordination support
Medical services
Legal support
Coordination support of the program
- The surrogacy program is a complex medical, biological and psychological process.
- The successful implementation of the program – the birth of a healthy child – depends on the clear interaction between the partners (doctor, surrogate mother, biological parents).
- Throughout the program, all participants need information, coordination, organizational and emotional support.
Initial consultation with the head of the ART program coordination department on the surrogacy program (offline/online) |
900 ₴ |
Selection of a surrogate mother, coordination support from admission to the program to a pregnancy test |
30 000 ₴ |
Coordination support from the surrogate mother’s pregnancy test to childbirth |
18 000 ₴ |
– repeated consultations with the staff of the ART program coordination department | |
– coordination of interaction between the clinic and the surrogate mother | |
– control over the surrogate mother’s compliance with all medical prescriptions | |
– organization and support of the surrogate mother during visits to the clinic | |
– consulting support for a surrogate mother 24/7 | |
– resolving issues that arise in the course of program implementation | |
– providing information about the surrogate mother’s health status to the doctor and biological parents | |
– informing the biological parents about the surrogate mother’s pregnancy, providing all the protocols of examinations that the surrogate mother undergoes | |
Organization of transportation service for a surrogate mother from the beginning of the program to the pregnancy test |
8 000 ₴ |
Organization of transportation service for a surrogate mother from pregnancy test to childbirth |
20 000 ₴ |
Organization of the surrogate mother’s accommodation service Accommodation of a surrogate mother from the 26th week of pregnancy to childbirth |
40 000 ₴ |

Medical support of the program
- Medical services in a surrogacy program are an integral part of the program to ensure the safety, effectiveness and success of the program.
Package of medical services No. 1 in the Surrogacy Program (from the beginning of the surrogate mother’s preparation to embryo transfer) |
19 250 ₴ |
Complete blood count, coagulogram, urogenital smear microscopy, examination of the level of indicators: estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone; intrauterine hCG injection, ultrasound monitoring of endometrial development, therapist consultation, medication – a complete standard list for the appropriate stage of the surrogacy program. |
Cryo-transfer program (defrosting and transferring embryos) |
18 500 ₴ |
Embryological services – thawing of cryopreserved embryos Embryo transfer Ultrasound monitoring of endometrial development |
Package of medical services #2 in the Surrogacy Program (from embryo transfer to pregnancy test of a surrogate mother) |
4 570 ₴ |
Medication – a complete standard list for the appropriate stage of the surrogacy program. |
Package of medical services No. 3 in the Surrogacy Program (from the surrogate mother’s pregnancy test to the first ultrasound) |
5 950 ₴ |
Medication treatment – a complete standard list for the appropriate stage of the surrogacy program, preventive treatment for the appropriate stage of the surrogacy program |
Package of medical services No. 4 in the Surrogacy Program (from the first ultrasound of the surrogate mother to 12 weeks of pregnancy) |
17 900 ₴ |
Ultrasound, pregnancy up to 10 weeks, day hospital treatment (excluding the cost of medications), medication – a complete standard list for the appropriate stage of the surrogacy program. |
Ultrasound at 12-13 weeks of pregnancy and biochemical screening of the 1st trimester of pregnancy |
2 430 ₴ |
Pregnancy management program (from the 12th week of pregnancy to childbirth) |
46 600 ₴ |

Legal support of the program
- Protecting the interests of the biological parents, the surrogate mother and the unborn child is the main goal of legal support for the Surrogacy Program.
- Legal support of the Surrogacy Program is an individual settlement of legal issues that must be taken into account in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, the interests of the couple, the surrogate mother and the child.
Initial legal consultation on ART programs (offline/online) |
900 ₴ |
Legal services package No. 1 “Contract” |
15 000 ₴ |
Organizing a visit to the notary by the surrogate mother’s husband (if there is a husband) |
notarization of a notarized statement from the surrogate mother’s husband (if there is a husband) |
drafting a childbearing agreement between biological parents and a surrogate mother |
support and organization of notarization of the agreement on carrying a child between biological parents and a surrogate mother |
legal consultations up to the 12th week of the surrogate mother’s pregnancy (all communications can be conducted in any convenient way: in person, online, by phone, etc.) |
Legal services package №2 “Registration” |
10 000 ₴ |
Preparation of a draft application from the surrogate mother |
organization of a visit to a notary |
execution of a notarized statement from a surrogate mother in the presence of a clinic lawyer |
Preparation of a package of documents for registration of a child at the registry office |
obtaining a birth certificate at the registry office |
* Notary services for the execution of a childbearing agreement between biological parents and a surrogate mother are not included in the price of the Package and are paid additionally at the price of notary services

IVF services
Services that can be additionally used in the “Substitute Motherhood” program and are determined individually with the doctor.
The average cost of the program can be 75 000 – 90 000 UAH

Compensation for surrogate mothers for participation in the program "Substitute motherhood"
Services that can be additionally used in the Substitute Motherhood program.
- Each surrogate mother in the candidate database of the clinic “IVMED” is carefully selected through an interview and medical examination.
- A surrogate mother is a woman between the ages of 21 and 38, without bad habits, with at least one healthy child of her own, and ready to follow the conditions and recommendations during pregnancy.
Compensation for a surrogate mother – € 21,500
Additionally, compensation may be paid to a surrogate mother for a cesarean section or the birth of twins.
Maximum efficiency of
IVF programs at theIVMED clinic
the onset of pregnancies
In patients in programs with donor eggs
average number of embryos per transfer
This guarantees the absence of multiple births and, accordingly, the absence of pathologies and ease of pregnancy.
Complete security:
no hyperstimulation
The complete absence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in patients and, accordingly, a minimal likelihood of complications.
ContactIVMEDtoday to become a parent as soon as possible!
Doctors who created
and coordinate the program
Start your journey now!
Unfortunately, a woman’s natural fertility decreases with age.
If you have a dream of having a baby, it is better to take care of it in advance by making an appointment with a reproductive specialist
Frequently asked questions and answers about surrogacy
The only difference is that the conception of a child occurs after an artificial insemination procedure (IVF, in vitro conception) and the surrogate mother is transferred into the uterine cavity.
On the first day of arrival at the clinic, the doctor looks at the ultrasound, if everything is fine, on the same day the surrogate mother undergoes all the necessary tests to participate in the program. The results of the tests are usually ready in 7 days and are reported to the surrogate mother by her coordinator. The time spent in our clinic is 1-1.5 hours.
Yes, surrogacy is legal in Ukraine. The specifics of surrogacy in Ukraine are regulated by the current legislation. In particular, more details can be found in Order No. 787 of 09.09.2013.
The amount of compensation for participating in the program depends on the number of children a surrogate mother carries and gives birth to in one pregnancy. It also depends on how the birth took place: naturally or by cesarean section.
No, according to Ukrainian law, a surrogate mother must have a child.
Protecting the interests of the biological parents, the surrogate mother and the unborn child is the main goal of legal support for the Surrogacy Program.
Legal support of the Surrogacy Program is an individual settlement of legal issues that must be taken into account in accordance with the interests of the couple and the surrogate mother.
- Selection of a surrogate mother;
- Coordination of interaction between the clinic and the surrogate mother;
- Coordination and control of the surrogate mother’s fulfillment of all medical appointments;
- Organization and support of the surrogate mother during visits to the clinic;
- Consultative support for a surrogate mother 24/7;
- Organization of transportation service for a surrogate mother;
- Organization of housing services for a surrogate mother;
- Resolving issues that arise in the course of program implementation;
- Providing information about the surrogate mother’s health status to the doctor and biological parents;
- Informing the biological parents about the surrogate mother’s pregnancy, providing all the protocols of examinations that the surrogate mother undergoes.