Solianyk Iryna Vitaliivna

Work experience: more than 30 years in medicine, more than 10 years in psychology years
Irina Vitalievna is a psychologist at the Medical Center "IVMED", a researcher, a doctor of the highest category, a certified specialist in conducting and analyzing the MMPI-2 personality test.

Bogomolets Ukrainian State Medical University, specializing in General Medicine.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, specializing in Psychology.
Kyiv Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Association of Traditional Medicine. Course "Folk non-traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment"

Areas of special interest

Psychological aspects of women's reproductive health. Psychological problems on the way to desired parenthood. Complex feelings - fear, anxiety, guilt, resentment.


36 scientific papers and 2 patents in the medical field

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