Queries to display letters of terms alphabeticly and terms of this letterhttps://prnt.sc/nRUXYg–p9yr як тут You will need 2 queries and 2 listings First to display the first letter from your taxonomy and create letter listing create such SQL query (replace elements with yout taxonomy slug) https://prnt.sc/fnCb822JhYPq
SELECT DISTINCT LEFT(t.name, 1) AS first_letter FROM {prefix}terms AS t INNER JOIN {prefix}term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'elements' ORDER BY first_letter ASC;
https://prnt.sc/I-rskb9m0r_U – create listing with source query builder and use dynamic field to display first letter Second create query for a list of terms that will be inside the list of letters https://prnt.sc/rl_nhRPreo4z use shortcode generator to create shorctode for first_letter field https://prnt.sc/oB6RGGbAsuCT then go to macro generator and paste this shortcode inside of the field https://prnt.sc/_i6TdZMClBXu now you can use created macro in next SQL
SELECT DISTINCT(t.name) AS name FROM {prefix}terms AS t INNER JOIN {prefix}term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'elements' AND t.name REGEXP '^(%shortcode_result|%).+'
now when you created second listing place listing grid widget insde of the letter listing https://prnt.sc/p2oy8JNPKO0Ihttps://prnt.sc/17UEiI9iG7u1https://prnt.sc/s9L00pVALWko